Mess Supplies Committee (MSC): Rules & Norms
This document lays out the rules and norms governing the Standing Committee for purchase of raw materials for the Mess Facilities on University of Hyderabad campus. The roles and responsibilities of hostel-related student/ resident representatives and employees mentioned in this document shall continue to be governed by the Hostel Handbook and rules and regulations governing employees respectively. Necessary amendments to the Hostel Handbook shall be made and published online in due course.
- Mess Supplies Committee: The representative Standing Committee referred to as Mess Supplies Committee (MSC). Will have representatives from Hostels, Mess Facilities, Wardens and Mess Supervisors on a rotation basis. Will work in close co-ordination with the Office of the Chief Warden.
- Mess Secretary: A full-time student of any academic programme of the university, also resident of a hostel, selected/ chosen to co-ordinate and ensure supply of quality food in the Mess Facilities.
- Mess Committee: A hostel-based committee that will co-ordinate along with the Mess Secretary, the Mess-related operations.
- Hostel Committee: A hostel-based committee elected through elections in the hostel. Formed to co-ordinate and monitor the welfare activities of the hostel residents.
- Mess Supervisor: Appointed to oversee, monitor and co-ordinate Mess-related operations including Mess Staff.
- Warden: Appointed as in-charge of all hostel-related operations, including Mess operations, hostel facilities and student welfare in close coordination with the Office of the Chief Warden. Is assisted by office staff for administrative purposes.
- UOHSU President/ Nominee: Student representative elected through a university-wide election. Nominee refers to an Office bearer of the UOHSU.
- MSC Co-ordinator: Nominated by the Chief Warden to preside over meetings and co-ordinate the work of the committee.
- The MSC is intended to improve the hostel mess management primarily in terms of acquiring quality raw materials across all hostels, increase transparency in purchases, improve quality of food and help keep a check on the basic cost of the food provided in the Mess facilities.
- The MSC shall arrange for quality and quantity checks, collect samples where necessary, place a consolidated order for raw materials with Kendriya Bhandar on a regular basis.
- The MSC shall be constituted on a monthly basis. Members shall be chosen to be on the committee on a rotation basis from the hostels on the campus.
- Every hostel will mandatorily have a Hostel Committee (HC) & Mess Management Committee (MMC)
- The members of the MSC shall include Two Mess Secretaries, Two Hostel Committee Members, Two Mess Committee Members, Two Wardens, Two Mess Supervisors, Two Cooks, and President of UOHSU or a nominee, also an office bearer. They will be chosen from hostels on a rotation basis. Meetings of the MSC shall be presided over by a Co-ordinator appointed by the CW.
- In the event of unavailability of a chosen member, an alternative member shall be chosen with approval from the CW.
- The MSC shall meet as and when necessary in order to carry out its operations.
- The MSC shall act in close-co-ordination with the Office of the Chief Warden in carrying out its operations.
- All decisions/ resolutions/ recommendations made/ taken at MSC meetings shall be put up before the Chief Warden for final clearance.
- The MSC shall adopt the following work-flow for smooth functioning:

- The Chief Warden or a Deputy Chief Warden nominated by the CW shall function as the MSC Co-ordinator.
- The Co-ordinator shall preside over all meetings of the MSC held from time to time.
- The Co-ordinator shall, on behalf of all Mess Facilities and its constituents, be a signatory to any future agreements that may have to be entered with Kendriya Bhandar, following a decision taken at an MSC meeting.
- The Co-ordinator shall, with help from the Office of the Chief Warden, co-ordinate the activities of the MSC, including with Kendriya Bhandar.
- The Co-ordinator shall publish online, the minutes of MSC meetings and bills obtained from Kendriya Bhandar and various hostels on other items, on a regular basis.
- S/he shall ensure that the workflow outlined in this document is followed by all constituents of the committee.
- Any difficulty arising in day-to-day operations of the Committee shall be immediately brought to the notice of the Chief Warden.
- The MSC shall work in close co-ordination with the Wardens and Mess Supervisors of the Mess Facilities to ensure quality of food.
- An Additional Co-ordinator may be nominated by the Chief Warden to assist the Co-ordinator from time to time.
- The staff of the Office of the Chief Warden shall assist the MSC Co-ordinator/ Additional Co-ordinator in carrying out the day-to-day paperwork.
- The Office of the Chief Warden shall maintain all records pertaining to the MSC.
- Records pertaining to MSC shall be made available to all residents of the hostels, constituents of the MSC, Wardens and employees working in various hostels, upon request in writing.
- The Chief Warden will resolve any disputes arising out of carrying out operations of the MSC.
- The decision of the Vice-Chancellor on any matter referred to him shall be binding on every hostel resident, Wardens and staff.
Sd/- Chief Warden
April 16, 2018
To view the minutes of the meeting held with student representatives on April 03, 2018, click here.