Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed manufactures/firms for Annual Maintenance of LPG installations of hostels.
The table below indicates the details of LPG installations in the messes of hostels in the University along with the periodicity & their maintenances.
Description of Work | QUANTITY
In Nos |
Requirement |
Installations include domestic gas stove with Single Burners | 24 | Two maintenance services per month and one emergency call per month as and when required. |
Cooking ranges with two burners | 03 | |
Cooking ranges with three burners | 09 | |
Hotplate with two burners | 8 | |
Hotplate with three burners | 8 | |
Rice Cooking with Steam Boilers with Idly Stand | 05 | |
Service and Maintenance of Exhaust & Fresh air System which includes (open up, detachment of entire hoods & filter duct, cleaning with chemicals, refining providing gaskets and fasteners) refitting. | 09 | May be asked to attend the servicing whenever need arises |
Terms & conditions |
1. The Reference No.: UH/CWO/AMC/DEC/14-12-2017 shall be clearly mentioned on all envelopes and any correspondence with the Chief Warden’s Office including in emails.
2. Hand-written tenders shall not be accepted. 3. Prices quoted shall be valid for a minimum of 90 days from the date of opening of the tenders.
8. Spare parts required if any will be paid as per the actuals. List of spare parts required in the future may also be enclosed. 9. Only manufacturers and/or suppliers with certified service centers in Hyderabad-Secunderabad may forward their offers. Attach documents to this effect. 10. The Service Provider must be able to take over AMC within 15 days after issue of work order. 11. The University of Hyderabad, reserves the right to reject any/all quotations (or) accept any or part thereof without giving any reasons. Its decision in the matter shall be final and binding on all the suppliers. 12. AMC will be awarded for a period of one year 13. The University of Hyderabad will not in any way be responsible for any postal delay. Delayed quotations shall not be accepted under any circumstances. 14. Tenders incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 15. Selected Service Providers should be ready for price negotiation, if called for. 16. The Service Provider shall supply the required spare parts during the period of AMC. The actual cost towards procurement of spare parts will be reimbursed to the Service Provider against tax invoice/bill and after certification of the Office of the Chief Warden. |
BID Security |
The bidder shall enclose Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit) in the form of DD for an amount of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand only) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, University of Hyderabad which shall be valid for a period of 135 days from the date of opening of Bids. |
Delivery of Tenders & Items |
The offers, in sealed envelopes with all the relevant documents are to be delivered to:
Office of the Chief Warden, University of Hyderabad, Prof. CR. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana-500046, India. Tenders will only be accepted in hardcopy. Tenders submitted through email will not be accepted. The tenderer’s complete correspondence address, phone number/s and email id/s and website details (if any), must be clearly mentioned in the tender documents. No transport charges will be paid for delivery of Tenders.
Last Date for receiving tenders |
All tenders must reach the Chief Warden’s Office on or before December 29, 2017, 3.00PM. Any tender received after 3.00pm on 29-12-2017 shall be rejected. |
Opening of tenders |
The tenders will be opened in the Chief Warden’s Office on January 01, 2018 at 3 p.m. Tenderers interested in attending the opening may be present at the address provided by 3 p.m. Only personnel authorized by the suppliers may attend. They will be required to leave a visiting card and submit relevant document of identity. |
Terms of Payment & Dispute Resolution |
The payment towards service charges shall be made after completion of every 03 months on satisfactory report and submission of bill by the Service Providers.
Disputes, differences, if any emanating from the resultant contract shall be referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. |
Chief Warden
University of Hyderabad