Tender Notice for Water Coolers

TENDER NOTICE No.: UH/CWO/WC/MAR19, Dated 26th MARCH 2019. Calling tenders for supply of Water Coolers. Please forward you best rates for supply of the following items as per the terms and conditions, and specifications. S/N Item and Specifications Qty 01 Water...

Tender Notice for Deep Freezers

TENDER NOTICE No.: UH/CWO/DF/MAR19, Date: 20-03-2019 Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed manufactures or authorized dealers for supply of Deep Freezers under two-bid system to the University of Hyderabad.  Please quote your best rates for supply of the...

Tender notice for supply of Cots for Hostels

TENDER NOTICE No.: UH/CWO/COTS/JAN19, Date: 23-01-2019 Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed manufactures or authorized dealers for supply of Cots under two-bid system to the University of Hyderabad.  Please quote your best rates for supply of the following...

Tender notification for Water Coolers

TENDER NOTICE No.: UH/CWO/WC/AUG18, Dated 28th August 2018. Calling tenders for supply of Water Coolers. Please forward your best rates for supply of the following items as per the terms and conditions, and specifications. Water Coolers Cooling Capacity : 150 Liters...