TENDER NOTICE No.: UH/CWO/WC/MAR19, Dated 26th MARCH 2019.

Calling tenders for supply of Water Coolers. Please forward you best rates for supply of the following items as per the terms and conditions, and specifications.

S/N Item and Specifications Qty
01 Water Coolers

Cooling Capacity : 150 Litres per hour

Storage Capacity : 150 Litres

Material of Tank: SS 304 food grade.

Dispensing taps : 02 Nos

20 Nos


Terms & conditions
1.       The Reference No.: UH/CWO/WC/MAR19 should be clearly mentioned on all envelopes and any correspondence with the Chief Warden’s Office including in emails.

2.       Hand-written tenders will not be accepted.

3.       Prices quoted will be valid for a minimum of 120 days from the date of opening of the tenders. No upward revision of the prices will be permitted during the validity period.

4.       If the tender is not from original manufacturer, the name and address of the manufacturer must be mentioned for each item.  Suppliers will need to submit an ‘Authorized Dealer Certificate’ from the manufacturers for the all brand mentioned in the tender.  Tenders received without Authorization Certificate of the original manufacturer are liable for rejection.

  1. The supplier has to clearly mention the make, model, size and other specification along with the unit price.  Items with better specifications may also be selected.
  2. Appropriate brochure(s) for every product providing full technical details must be included to enable verification.
  3. Any transport charges for delivery of items should be clearly mentioned in the tender.
  4. The tender should clearly indicate per unit cost and all applicable taxes separately and then arrive at a total cost on the quantities mentioned above.
  5. The quantity shown in the enquiry may be increased / decreased.

10.   Only vendors having their office and service in Hyderabad-Secunderabad may forward their offers. Attach documents to this effect.

11.   All pages of the tender documents must be duly signed.

12.   Minimum Warranty on items supplied must be 36 months.

13.   The warranty period must also be clearly mentioned.

14.   The Supplier should be willing to demonstrate the items in case they are asked for to do so.

15.   The supplier should be able to deliver the items within two weeks after issuance of purchase order. Only those with ready stocks/ capable of supplying the items within two week may forward their offer.

16.   In the event of delay in delivery beyond two weeks, the UoH reserves right to procure the same from any other vendor.  The additional cost if any incurred in the process shall be recovered from the defaulter Supplier.  Besides, liquidated damages @1% per each week of delay subject to a maximum of 5% of the cost of the order will apply.

17.   After Sales Service: It must be clearly indicated in the tender whether the after sales service would be provided by supplier or by their authorized agent after satisfactory installation / commissioning of equipment.

18.   The terms of after-sales service after the expiry of warranty period must also be clearly mentioned.

19.   Payment will be made to the Vendor only after delivery and acceptance by the University.

20.   All disputes are to be settled within the jurisdiction of Hyderabad courts.

21.   The University of Hyderabad, reserves the right to reject any/all quotations (or) accept any offer part thereof without giving any reasons. Its decision in the matter will be final and binding on all the supplies.

22.   The University of Hyderabad will not in any way be responsible for any postal delay. Delayed quotations shall not be accepted under any circumstances.

23.   Tenders incomplete in any respect are also liable to be rejected.


An EMD at the rate of 3.5% of the quoted price of all the items in the form of Demand Draft /Banker Cheque drawn in favour of Finance Officer, University of Hyderabad, shall be submitted along with bid.  Bids received without EMD or insufficient EMD are liable for rejection.  EMD shall not carry any interest. EMDs of the rejected tenders will be returned at the earliest after the expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before the 30th day after the award of the Purchase Order.  The EMD of the selected tenderer will be returned on receipt of Performance Bank Guarantee after successful and satisfactory supply and commissioning of the items as per the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order.


Delivery of Tenders & Items
The bids, in sealed envelopes with all the relevant documents are to be delivered to:

Office of the Chief Warden, University of Hyderabad, Prof. CR. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana-500046, India

Tenders will only be accepted in hardcopy.  Tenders submitted through email will not be accepted. Please call during office hours on the numbers provided, for any clarification.

The tenderer’s complete correspondence address, phone number/s and email id/s and website details (if any), must be clearly mentioned in the tender documents.


Last Date for receiving tenders
All tenders should necessarily reach the Chief Warden’s Office by April 17, 2019, 3.00 p.m.  Any tenders received later will be rejected.
Opening of tenders
The tenders will be opened in the Chief Warden’s Office on APRIL 17, 2019 at 3.00 p.m.  Tenderers interested in attending the opening may be present at the address provided by 3 p.m. Only personnel authorized by the suppliers may attend. They will be required to prove their identity.
Terms of Payment & Dispute Resolution
Payment will be made within 45 days after delivery and satisfactory installation, testing, commissioning etc. This must be clearly specified in the tender/quotation. 90% of the payment will be made on supply & satisfactory installation. The remaining 10% will be released on production of a Performance Bank Guarantee.

Disputes, differences, if any emanating from the resultant contract shall be referred to the Arbitrator appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties.

Failure to adhere to any of the terms & conditions, and specifications might result in rejection of the tender.


Chief Warden
University of Hyderabad
March 26, 2019


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